Travelling by Public Transport

Here you can find out the easiest way to get to the BernExpo halls by public transport.
The BernExpo site is easily accessible by bus, train and tram.
We recommend that international visitors and travellers from outside the canton arrive via Bern main station.

On a fine day with favourable weather conditions, we also recommend an enjoyable walk from Bern Main Station to the BernExpo site. The route takes you through Bern's Old Town, over the Nydegg Bridge, past the Bear Park, on to the Rose Garden - that offers a wonderful view over the city of Bern - to your destination, the BernExpo site (approx. 45 minutes, 3.5 km walk).

From Bern main station to BernExpo


  • Tram no. 9 to ‘Wankdorf Center’ station.
  • Bus no. 20 to ‘Wankdorf Bahnhof’ terminus, then walk 10 minutes to BernExpo.
  • S-Train no. S1, S2, S3, S4 or S44 to ‘Wankdorf Bahnhof’ station, then a 10-minute walk to BernExpo.

From Biel train station to BernExpo


  • S-Train no. S3 to station ‘Wankdorf Bahnhof’ then walk 10 minutes to BernExpo.
  • InterRegio 65 (IR65) via Bern main station.


  • ZURICH AIRPORT: Via Bern main station with line IC1 or IC8
  • BASEL SBB: Via Bern main station with line IC6, IC61, EuroCity (direction Milano) or ICE (DB) 
  • GENEVA AIRPORT: Via Bern main station with line IC1 or IR15